Citizen science projects on yellowhammer dialects are joint activities of the Department of Ecology, Charles University in Prague; Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; and the Czech Society for Ornithology, however it could not do without the support of other institutions, especially in New Zealand and the UK.
Pavel is in his fourth year of PhD. After finishing his MSc. thesis on behavioural ecology, his focus shifted to invasion ecology (especially of mammals and birds). He got involved in setting up the website for the citizen science project on yellowhammer dialects in the Czech Republic thanks to his experience with webdesign. Soon he realised that research of birdsong dialects and invasion ecology may have more in common than it seems... and the project focusing on populations introduced to New Zealand is the result.
Lucie is now in her second year of PhD. Her master thesis focused on geographical distribution of yellowhammer dialects in the Czech Republic. She became a key person of the project 'Dialects of Czech Yellowhammers', being responsible for sound analysis as well as communication with volunteers. She is skilled in vector graphics and the characteristic design of yellowhammer project is her work. She is a member of the academic senate at the Faculty of Science of Charles University.
Tereza is behavioural ecologist, focusing her research on songbird vocalisation and bird territorial behaviour. She is particularly interested in spatial variation in birdsong and factors that affect it, and in functions of specific song structures. Her model bird species include in particular pipits, nightingales and bluethroats, and yellowhammers. She had a key role in establishing the citizen science project on yellowhammer dialects in the Czech Republic.
Adam is aquatic ecologist by training, with research interests ranging from evolutionary biology of crayfish and planktonic crustaceans to biological invasions. He has been involved in his wife’s research of songbird behaviour and vocalisation for more than a decade, and contributed to the yellowhammer dialect project from the beginning. At present, he is the head of the Department of Ecology at the Charles University in Prague.
Vojta unfortunately died in 2013, but without him, the project would never come to light. He used to be a great population ecologist and agroecologist, with special focus on ecology of pests. Due to his deep knowledge of statistics he got involved in other research areas, including biological invasions. In the last decade, he concentrated predominately on statistical analyses of invasive alien species.
For some this may be a bit of surprise, as Petr is well-known expert on plant invasions. However his expertise does not end among plants and he is interested in and contributing to invasions in general. He is supervising Pavel, being of great help in his research on history of bird introductions to New Zealand. In the last decade, he made a extraordinary tandem with Vojta.
Mark is responsible for overseeing the RSPB's involvement in the monitoring of birds in the UK and overseas. He has considerable experience in survey and monitoring: field methods, survey design and analysis. He also a capable and active communicator of science to a wide audience. He is contributing very much to the project by promoting it and communication with media in the UK.
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