First, make sure that your device has not been already tested by someone else (step 2). If not follow these steps:
If you still hesitate, just send the recording to us and we will let you know, whether your device is suitable for recording of yellowhammer song.
If your device turns out to be suitable, please let us know - either via or via form.
This becomes particularly handy when you have a slow internet connection. But we always appreciate it as it is easier to handle with small files. First of all download and install Pazera Free Audio Extractor. It has no fancy design, but its simple and easy to use. Just follow these few steps:
The program will extract audio from your clip and save it to the file with the same name as your video file, but with the WAV extension.
TIP: Save these encoder settings as 'yellowhammer dialects' for future use. It will save you some time.
Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, don't follow the white rabbit, but yellowhammer .
Don't forget to enable GPS before start.
First and Third step can be omitted next time, of course:)
Just notice that the data and the audiofiles have to be sent separately (two click instead of one)
Maybe you wonder how to make sure that the recordings you obtain with Epicollect Five will be stored under your name. In fact the app stores your email address that will be accessed by our scripts and therefore all your recordings uploaded via Epicollect will be matched with those you upload directly to Yellowhammer Dialects server.
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