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Displaying 4-6 of 8 results.
7 September 2014

New Zealand yellowhammers already singing

Susan has heard yellowhammer singing around her place. What's more, these guys were performing when on wing! This is quite unusual, typical rather for skylarks. However Susan has shown me already bird pecularities in F&B office, where Seagull hunted down a pigeon.

11 August 2014

Review about Yellowhammer dialects in Europe

Our review about Yellowhammer dialect in Europe has been finally published. It clearly shows there are no distinct eastern and western group of dialects as was supposed before.

1 August 2014

Bike trip around Brighton revealed few things. 

Finding yellowhammer in full song is really not easy as we thought. Therefore every succesful recordist in Britain has our deep respect. But it makes recording even more interesting!